Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More about William Bartholomew ( 1602-1680)

I've decided to continue the story of William Bartholomew, ancestor of Mary Montgomery Bartholomew Carrington, my second great grandmother...again, from information provided to my grandmother, Irene Carrington, from her cousin,a Robert Bartholomew. I've no knowledge of him except he was living in New York State and apparently never married.

"William Barthlomew was of good parentage. He enjoyed unusual educational advantages and probably received a practical business training in his father's store. Leaving the paternal roof, (in Burford, Oxfordshire) we find him before the age of 30 in London, married, keeping house and probably in some mercantile employment. London at that time put up with & encouraged vulgarity, vice and crime. This young man chose his company from a persecuted but devoutly religious sect, showing a strong and noble character. Surrounded by oppression, perhaps disowned by his father, it is not strange that such a spirit should wish to breathe a freer air, brave the dreaded ocean and join the Puritan settlers in the wilds of America.

The facts given show the high standard he maintained in his adopted home. William had a disregard of his personal interests and instead devoted much of his life to the service of the colony. The colonists needed such a men, and the many and conspicuous trusts placed in his hands show that he was faithful to them. At times he must have been a successful merchant as numerous land transactions and other evidences indicate. He died at the home of his only daughter. His wife Anne died in Charlestown, Jan. 29, 1682."

Anne and William probably had four children: Mary, who married Matthew Whipple and later Jacob Greene, Joseph who resided in London, Eng. in 1693, another William, who our line is descended from, and Abigail, who I have listed as, but this doesn't correlated with the above paragraph. Our Mary Montgomery Bartholomew Carrington is the 5th ggranddaughter of William and Anne. I'll continue this line at another time.

Besides the above mentioned document, I found terrific information on The New England Colonists Web. Some information I have in front of me are The History of Oxfordshire, The Clint Eastwood Tree (yes, you read correctly...he is a relation to our family), St. Frideswide, Passenger list of the ship called Griffin, Salem, Massachusetts, The Lord Family, The Bartholomew Family, The Scudder Family, Puritanism, New England Timeline, and lots more. There is a Guestbook as well that I haven't take time to really check up on. The information on the Bartholomew family is overwhelming. I have some info on 22 different generations of this family and that includes almost 2,000 individuals.

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