Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Tuttles in Carrington History

I've got a dusty notebook at the bottem of a shelf that I haven't looked at for awhile. It includes some information of the family of my 6th great grandmother, Hannah Tuttle (born 1697 in New Haven, Conn.) who married Daniel Carrington, gggrandfather of Lucius Carrington. Daniel was Hannah's second husband and they were the parents of Timothy (my 5th great grandfather), Daniel & Sybil.

I'm going to quote another writer (not sure who but the site was home.earthlink.net/~herblst/tuttle-family) "The Tuttles are probably the most "colorful" of all of my ancestors. In this family are found murderers, some insanity, great immorality and deceit, and great knowledge and achievement. Wow...everything needed for a movie script. It is through the Tuttle family that the connection to Aaron Burr can be found, the third great grandson of William Tuttle. Note: my 9th ggrandfather - Judy. Eli Whitney, inventor of the Cotton Gin, married Henrietta Edwards a 6th cousin in this family. Another famous man, was Johnathan Edwards, known as 'the Divine', because of his Calvinistic preaching methods. He was a strict Presyterian minister, both loved and hated by his congregation. He entered Yale University at the age of 13 and graduated at 17, at the head of his class. He was the third president of Princeton, succeeding his son-in-law, Aaron Burr, Sr. Jonathan's grandson was Aaron Burr, the Vice President under Jefferson. The family were Quakers and Calvinist Presbyterians. Note to self...need to find out these relationships as they effect our family.

The family (Tuttle or earlier, Toothill), has been well known in several parts of England and many of its members have held positions of honor and distinction. The family claims very ancient descent in Ireland. Between the years 1629 and 1640 many families left England on account of the conditions existing there. In the year 1635 there were three distinct familes by the name of Tuttle who came to America in the ship 'Planter'. Of those who came in the 'Planter", John Tuttle settled at Ipswich, Richard in Boston and William (my branch) in New Haven."

I found it very interesting that the land William purchased in 1656, has had 5 proprietors in the 243 years from the first purchase of it from the Indians. Among these was Joseph Atwater, who William purchased it from, and Yale College for 166 years. William was one of two first owners of land in East Haven.

My ancestor,(my 8th ggrandfather) John Tuttle was the oldest of 12 children. He was born in 1631 in Northhamptonshire England and died in 1683 in New Haven, CT. He had a brother Benjamin, who murdered their sister Sarah, "by smiteing her with an axe or some other instrument of death, which according to the law of God & the laws of this colony thou deservest to dye. This court appoynts that execution to be done upon the prisoner according to sentence the 13th of June next (1677)." Somewhere I found more details of this murder and will share them when found.

It was John and Catherine Lane's 5th child (of 8), Daniel, born 1664 that continues our Carrington line.

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