Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pepper Family - Thomas Shawcross - continued

Continuing a document from Thomas Shawcross...my fourth cousin, onced removed...

Thomas next includes a picture of his great-great grandmother, Naomi Francis (1819-1895) and her obituary. The year of Naomi's and Jacob's wedding..."That same fall they, in company with a brother-in-law - ex-Sheriff James Hampson - and his family came in wagons to the new state of Illinois, and settled at Chillicothe, Peoria County. From there they moved to Circleville, Tazewell County,. After remaining in this county a few years, they moved to Indiana."

Another source in the Attitca, Indiana newspaper says..."Mrs. Jacob Pepper died at her home in this city Wednesday night of lat week of paralysis of the brain. She lived but an hour after the attack." Thomas writes "Paralysis of the brain was the term used then for what we now call a stroke." He also writes, "It was considered newsworhy that the Peppers had fourteen children who all lived to be grown. Large families were common, but a zero mortality rate was unusual."

Of their children:
Sarah - Thomas knows little about her. "She was listed as Mrs. Sarah Reifsnyder of Kankakee, Ills."
Susan - "She married Henry Welch in 1857."
Mary - "She married Allen Mounts in 1857. She had a tumor and her remains were taken to Attica by the Wabash train for interment."
Caroline - ..."died in Independence, Indiana in 1865.
Martha - "Married Henry Ritenour in 1864 and married S.B. Mathis of Williamsport in 1898. She appears to have a jolly soul...moved to Williamsport to operate their crocery story."
Margaret - "Maggie Peppers married John Short on Dec. 18, 1873...was buried at Antioch Cemetery in Dillon Twp, Tazewell County."
Charlotte - "...died in Danville, Illinois in March, 1870. I suspect that Charlotte was married and died at about the age of 24 years, perhaps after giving birth."
Jacob - .."was a grocer. In May, 1888, he died in Green Valley, Illinois where he owned a store...It is interesting to note that his name is spelled (on advertisements) as Pepper on one, and Peppers on another. Jacob appears to have been partners with the Mr. Short who married Margaret Pepper Harris...Jacob married Alice A. Tuttle on Feb. 22, 1872...(they)were buried in Green Valley Cemetery, Tazewell County, Illinois.
Elizabeth - ..."married her first cousin William Brown in 1876."
Anna America..."In 1880, at the time of her sister Nora's marriage to Joseph Shawcross, Anna was already married to Joseph's brother Austin, and all four of them (Anna, Austin, Nora, and Joseph)were sharing quarters and farming in Vermilion County Illinois. Austin owned the farm and Joseph helped him work it."
John W. - "John is listed in the Tazewell County marriage index as having married Clara E. Copes on Sept. 28, 1882...John, a farmer...died in Tazewell County, Illinois, April 2, 1921."
Delia Sydna - "...married Mathias David Misner, of Attica, Indiana. Prior to marrying Mr. Misner, she may have been married to Henry L. Hamson...Syd was a member of the Women's Chritian Temperance Union.
William - ..."died in Indianapolis in 1934. His first wife was Eurma Edward...second wife was Emma B. Schaffer. After William Pepper died, his widow Emma married my (Thomas Shawcross) ggrandfather Joseph Shawcross.
Honora is next...a perfect time to stop this posting. Will continue the Pepper saga.

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