Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 11, 2013 - Isaac Bartholomew, born 1791

Today I'm including the information about Isaac Bartholomew, my 3rd great grandfather.  I'm starting to think that this information came from a George Bartholomew, from Morley, New York.  I need to do some research on this. 

"Isaac, born in Tinmouth, Vermont, Feb. 2, 1791, m. March 23, 1818, to Thirza Houghton, and died in Potsdam, NY, July 15, 1872, aged 81.  Thirza was born in New Hampshire, May 8, 1799, and died Jan. 6, 1881, aged 81.  Built a log cabin near Sucker Brook, Waddington (New York).  Mr. Bartholomew enlisted in Madrid (New York) in July, 1812 in Ensign Castle's Company, Lt. Col. Benedicts Regiment (15th New York Militia) for the defense of Hamilton, no. Waddington, and was made a sergeant.  He afterwards resided in Waddington and Potsdam as a farmer.

Sarah, b. March 29, 1819, never married.  Made her home with Oscar B. for number of years.

James, b. June 11, 1820 in Madrid, NY; d. Feb. 4, 1894, married Sept. 18, 1845 Polly Wells, daughter of Xura and Camelia Wells.  Polly was born Aug. 31, 1825 in Morley, d. Jan. 24, 1907.  James was a farmer, when first married he lived on the Van Rensalaer Rd. to Ogdensburg, Oscar and Jerome born here.  Moved to Doran neighborhood where Alma and Eugenia were born.  Later moved to Potsdam Rd.  Children: Oscar, Jerome, Alma Thirza, Mary Eugenia.

John Houghton, b. April 8, 1822, m. March 14, 1850, Lydia Hall.  Postmaster at Madrid.  No children.

Eliza A., b. Dec. 4, 1824, m. Oct. 3, 1852, Nathan Brown, d. July 21, 1854, no children.

Betsy, b. Sept. 24, 1826, d. Nov. 8, 1846.

Giles, b. July 1, 1828, m. Jan. 15, 1855, Jane O. Meiggs and d. Sept. 8, 1873, no children.

Minerva is missing from this list.  Probably due to printing situations.  I think these words related to her, ...in Michigan, no children.

Julia E., b. Sept 11, 1832, m. April 9, 1856 Nathan Brown after her sister Eliza died.  Had two girls, Cora and Dora.  Settled in the West.

Mary Montgomery Bartholomew, my second great grandmother, b. March 23, 1835, Waddington, NY, m. Dec. 9, 1860  Wm. W. Carrington, d. Sept. 13, 19??, (1918) was a school teacher in Northern NY; Mary and Wm. settled near LaCrosse, Wisc. Children; Lucius, Lizzie, Thirza, William.  Later they moved to a farm near Wessington, SD.  The accompanying information says that Mary died in Michigan, Sept. 13, 1918.

Jerome Trueman, b. Feb. 4, 1837, d. Feb. 27, 1838.  Fell in a tub of hot water and died of burns.

Lewis (twin of Lucius), b. Jan. 1, 1839, in Madrid, resided in Byingville, Mo., m. Abbie Rutherford, July 14, 1858.  Farmer.  Children; Frank, Alvin J., Lucius A., Henry George, Hattie N. (Henry, Hattie, twins), Isaac, Altie,.  Lewis bought and sold cattle in Mo.  He and Henry George quarreled over business and money.  He (Lewis) shot himself while his son, Henry G., was watching.

Lucius (Twin of Lewis), b. Jan. 1, 1839, m. Lottie Rutherford, lived in Kirkville, Mo., no children, was in the US Army in the war of 1861.

The very last notation in this document mentions Lucius, my ggrandfather, the son of Mary Montgomery Bartholomew Carrington.

Lucius, b. 1862, m. Rosetta Wilson Dec. 2, 1891 near Wessington, SD.  He was a progressive farmer, filing a homestead north of Wessington, in Gilbert Twnship, Hand Co.  He was township clerk for many years.  He was an expert checker player.  He died on Oct. 19, 1910, after a series of illnesses (dropsy, Bright's Disease, heart ailment).  Rosetta (Wilson), b. Dec. 2, 1869) died march 15, 1931 at the age of 62.  Children: Mildred, Mary Mae, Irene, Hugh, Laura, Gladys, Elda. Mildred, b. Aug. 29, 1892, m. 1st Harry Deaver, had two children Doris and Glenn; Mr. Deaver died.
Lucius and Rosetta Wilson Carrington and Family, Mary Montgomery Bartholomew's Son.

Isaac Bartholomew, Father of Mary Montgomery Bartholomew Carrington

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