Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Letter from Hattie Daugherty Place to her daughter, Edna

I really haven't read this and the copy I was given is very poor, so together let's check out the neatly written words of that dear Aunt Hattie.

Wessington, SD, Sept. 185?

Dear Edna and all,
I'm home, left Simpson (Logan Township, Mitchell County, Kansas - west of Manhatten) at ? Monday morning. Got to Audrey's (Hattie's other daughter) for supper at 5:30 same day. Oka, Ed (Hattie's first cousin and her husband) and her sister Della and Riley Rhodes (another first cousin and her husband) brought me home. They stayed till yesterday and left for home at 4:45 expecting to get home that day. I had a wonderful trip and visit, met 18 of the Armstead Daugherty's(Edward...brother of William Henry...uncle of Hattie) family,. There were two I didn't meet. Were there three Sundays. Each was a big family gathering and a gorgeous meal. Here's the menu at Della's (Edward Armstead's daughter) Sunday, Sept 13. Roast beef with dressing, boiled beef and noodles, potatoes, gravy green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, all kinds of jelly and preserves, one was peach butter and delicious, pickles, 3 kinds of cake, angel food, White and chocolate, sliced peaches, 3 kinds of salads, pumpkin pie, coffee. More left on table than was eaten. As we left for home next morn the food left was taken to needy neighbor. Only 10 for this dinner, Della's son Phillip, his wife and two daughters. The elder daughter, Nita Vaughn (Neida Vahn) had her intended with her. She will be married Thanksgiving. Ed, Oka, Della, Riley and I. Not sure who Riley was.The Sunday before we were at Rhodes and others of the Daughtery family, some from Wichita, Jeweland and Beloit. The Wichita relatives must have been Amost, the son of Edward A. and Sarah.

A letter from Dwight (Hattie's son) this week. He and John (perhaps Pesicka?) had been to see Philo (also known as Mike - Juanita's father) and family. He sid Philo has a fine family. His ? land, 160 acres, is near there. He says they are starting a new town a few miles from his place. The families are there and 50 new houses going in. He has several lots there. Wish I knew where that was.

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