Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Thoughts

Neither this blog nor Prairie Roots is meant to be a political sounding board. Saying this, I need to state how fortunate we are to live in a country that can go from one leader to another in a peaceful, organized, and united way. Despite the readers' voting records, this is a day to think about the "roots" of our country, the values that we as a nation uphold, the amazing planning that our founding fathers had concerning the making of this nation.

I'd like to briefly make mention of the families that are connected with those of us involved in Prairie Roots. I'm going to list my family branches, including the earliest date that I have of settlement in America (by no means meaning that there aren't earlier...just that I've not found others), and in one or two places, the purpose of leaving native countries. Hopefully, this scope of information will continue to be researched and new data found.

Jacob Enke - married in Pennsylvania in 1787, of German descent? and his spouse:
Ann Pryer - born 1798 in New Jersey (English?)

Joseph Wilson - born Abt. 1787 in Pennsylvania, of German and Scotch Irish descent, and spouse:
(Martha ?) Annie White - born in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania

Dr. Peter Carrington - born abt. 1662 in New Haven, Conn. (English?), and spouse:
Anna Lewis Wilmot's grandfather, Benjamin Wilmot - immigrated in 1637 to Boston probably from England

William Bartholomew - immigrated in 1634 to Boston, from Burford, England, for religious freedom (he was a puritan) and spouse:
Anna Lord who was also born in Burford and probably accompanied William to Boston

James William Daugherty - born abt. 1799, Virginia (now West Virginia), either Irish descent or from Isle of Man, and spouse:
Harriet Beddow, born in Virginia abt. 1807, probably of English descent

Frederick Peppers - born 1762, Pennsylvania, perhaps of German origin:
Spouse, Deborah Gisburt, born 1779 in Ohio

Arie Franssen De Lange - immigrated 1659 from the Netherlands; and spouse:
Rachel Jansen Pier born and married in the Netherlands, undoubtedly accompanied Arie to Kingston, New York.

These are the earliest ancestors of each of my main branches of my mother's family to come to America, that I am aware of. Side branches are not listed. I'd love to hear additional or conflicting information from readers.

Good Bless America!

1 comment:

  1. Judy, did you change the settings for comments? It is much more difficult for people to post them than when you first started your blog. I don't remember having to select a profile in order to post before. It makes this much less interactive as I am guessing some people haven't figured it out.
