Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

February 14, 2013 - Walter Brachvogel Anniversary

Again, a simple writing from 1965 that helps us understand the daily lives of those who we will never know.  These 'snippets' help us to understand the relationships of our family and the ways that those before us celebrated life and death.  I wonder what became of Walter, Jr. Perhaps if I went to visit Lennox or Redfield, I might find him.

Walter Brachvogels Honored April 11

Walter Brachvogel, Jr.
"Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brachvogel were honored with an Open House at their home in Redfield (SD) Sunday afternoon, April 11, marking their 40th wedding anniversary.  Their son, Walter, greeted guests.  Marsha Brachvogel, their granddaughter, was in charge of the gift table and guest book.  Nearly 200 relatives and friends registered during the afternoon.

Mrs. Brachvogel's corsage was of  red and white roses.  Mr. Brachvogel's boutonniere was a white carnation.  The flowers were a gift from their granddaughters.

Refreshments were served from a lace covered table centered with a four tiered aniversary cake, decorated in the traditional red and white, with red tapers at either end.  The cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Marvin Schultz.  Mrs. Walter Brachvogel Jr. cut and served the cake.  Mrs. Cecil McNeely presided at the coffee service.  Mrs. Pearl Gravett and Mrs. Lloyd Cavanee served the punch.  Mrs. Lloyd Ames was dining room hostess.  Vickie and Lori Brachvogel, granddaughters, assisted with the serving trays.

Mr and Mrs Brachvogel were married at Redfield April 15, 1925, and resided on a farm in southwest Spink county until 1957 when they moved to Redfield.  They have one son, Walter Jr., of Lennox, and three granddaughters.

Guests attended from Redfield, Athol, Miranda, Miller, St. Lawrence, Wessington, Tulane, Bonilla, Hitchcock, Doland, Huron, Lennox, Sioux Falls and Sturgis.

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