Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

February 16, 2013 - Edith DeLong Evans, Part 1

While sharing Edith DeLong Evans letter to cousin Gwyn, I realized that I was reading from two different letters, sent at different times.  This one, dated Jan. 9, 1984 should have been shared first.  There really isn't much information, at all in this letter, but it's been helpful to know what the years can do to your memory and thought processes.  Right now I enjoy gathering family information and trying to make something of it.  Who knows what the years will bring.  Probably not best to put off some of these things that need some memory.  Gwyn has mentioned that she'll send more of Edith's family collections to me in the next few weeks.  I'm pretty excited about that!

"Well, I am finally getting this letter ready for you.  I'll probably think of something later on or find something you might like, if so, I'll send it on.

Have made some copies to keep just in case someone may ask later on.  Some of the copy machines are in need of ink so I tried in different places to get good copies.  I'm sending some of Twila's (Bertha Daugherty Parmely's granddaughter) letters she was so kind to fix for me.  I just haven't got all the info down.  It's too confusing for me now and I have so many projects to do.  I just haven't the time and energy to do it.

I still drive but probably not for too long a period.  I don't go far with the car and don't drive at night - stay on roads I'm acquainted with.  My eyes are not so good either.

I'm so involved in my church - dinners, bazaars, and volunteer in places - also Senior Citizens and Community Club.  I get so tired we have our all day Senior prayer and study club.  We take our sandwiches and the host furnishes a salad and dessert.  I went today and came home at 3 and was so tired, doing nothing.  I laid down and slept til 6 p.m.  Probably won't sleep tonite so I'll stay up later.

Tomorrow I'll get a copy of my family which completes the DeLong's Beginnings.  Maybe you didn't want all of this but someday someone will have it after I'm gone.  I'll try (maybe) some day to get a better form fixed (I doubt it) for my nieces when they want it.

I used to enjoy this when I was mentally sharp but I'm getting so dull (really) and I do miss Earl.  He was a wizard for remembering and I don't have him anymore and I miss him so.

I wonder how your family's Xmas turned out.  I'd be interested in hearing.  I owe your mother a letter.  I try to remember her and I can't seem to place her.  Wasn't your mother Irene and was she a Carrington?  I can't remember and I really should but it just doesn't seem to be for sure in my mind.  Am I right?  Greet me to her if you have any contact with her.

I know Frankie married Laura Carrington.  Are  you Frankie's daughter?  See I can't even now as I write get straight Fred's wife.  I believe was Irene - as I write it seems clearer.

Anyway so you can see my mind wanders too.  Ha - Now I must close.  Do hope I haven't confused you so badly with all this rambling and poor writing.  Much Love and God Bless- Edith M. Evans

I've just learned this fall my mobile and 6 others will be moved in about 1 year.  Will have a different address - but we'll be in the same area so I'll get it anyway.  A new road widening project will take part of our court.  It's a big worry for me.  I thank God for my son David for me to lean on.  He's so good to me.  Calls me everynight from work and comes on the weekend."

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