Welcome to notes connected to the families of Carrington, Daugherty, DeLong, Pepper, Wilson, Bartholomew & Enke. This blogsite is an offshoot of Prairie Roots - a quarterly family newsletter sent to 120 households by Judy Hostvet Paulson.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 18, 1013 - Going through Gwyn's Mailing, Early Dougherty Ancestors

The first item of Gwyn's mailing is a piece that our uncle David Daugherty put together many years ago.  I don't know what year he prepared this "Daugherty Family Tree."  I do remember being with him at Gram Irene's funeral in Wessington, SD., 1993.   We stood by many of the memorials in the Wessington cemetery and you could see that David loved researching family history.  Our paths seldom crossed and now that David is dead, at too young of an age, I feel badly that we didn't get to share more information with each other.  David was the youngest brother of Mom and only 7 years older than me.  He and Gram Irene used to spend summers at our home in Wisconsin, where Gram made salads at the Lowell Inn in Stillwater and David worked at Friday Canning Company in New Richmond. 

David is guessing at the first name of our ancester that immigrated from Ireland to Hampshire County, Virginia (now West Virginia) in the beginning of the 19th century. He calls him "Frederic" and somewhere I saw the reason for his thinking that this might be the name of our ancestor.  This "Frederic" had four boys and two girls all born in Virginia.  I'm afraid that David put Edward Armstead Daugherty in the wrong place...He was not the son of "Frederic", but the son of James William Dougherty, one of the listed children of "Frederic". 

David says that "Frederic" had four boys and two girls all born in Virginia.  He starts with Edward Armstead, which as I mentioned above, is not correct.

 He next lists Robert Daugherty who settled in Illinois near Beardstown and had 2 boys and five girls.  The 5 girls all married and settled around Beardstown, Ill.  Robert's two boys are William (who had 1 boy and 1 girl, the girl married a man named Ireland) and Robert who had 2 boys and 5 girls.  The girls went west to Colorado or Utah.  This last Robert's children were Edward (a boiler maker, married at Crondolet, Il), Harris, Jane (Johnson - with children Lillie and Mayme), Mary (Auger- with son Oscar, who married a Haines in Wessington Springs, SD), Marie, Emma, & Alice.

The five girls that are mentioned as belonging to the older Robert were, first daughter (married James Buck), second daughter (married a Brainard), third daughter (married a snow), 4th daughter (married a Taylor and had 2 sons and 1 daughter, first son lived in Lankio, Mo.) and fifth daughter (nothing known). 

David got much of this information from a family tree that William Henry Daugherty (b. 1830 and grandson of "Frederic") jotted down.  The next posting will include information on William Daugherty, also known as James William Dougherty, who married Harriet Beddow.  They are my third great grandparents.  You find the spelling of the last name as "Dougherty" up until this family, then only "Daugherty" is shown.

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